Vaud-Geneva association : building a network


The aim of the Vaud-Geneva association, which was created in 1993, is to bring about, develop and implement collaboration between the two French-speaking Swiss university hospitals, CHUV and HUG. This encompasses medical activities, teaching, research and healthcare.

The association supports the creation of entities that give concrete shape to this collaboration in the Lake Geneva region and pool the strengths, skills and resources of the two Frenchspeaking Swiss university hospitals.

These joint entities take the form of French-speaking Swiss university centers, units or clinics. Regardless of the entity’s size, its purpose is to offer cutting-edge services to French-speaking Swiss patients and prioritise efficiency while guaranteeing quality of care.

In terms of governance, the association is made up of:

  • a board of directors, responsible for implementing the Association’s general policy
  • an executive committee, responsible for coordinating the entities arising from the Vaud-Geneva Association, and
  • a general assembly, the Association’s supreme body.

In 2017, the board of directors met five times chaired by CHUV’s managing director, Pierre-François Leyvraz. As a reminder, the chairmanship alternates annually between the managing directors of the two establishments.

A forum for discussion of operational questions regarding the Vaud-Geneva entities, the executive committee held its first session in April 2017 and has met four times.

The general assembly was held on 22 June 2017 at CHUV.

Within the framework of its activities, the association approved:

  • an agreement concerning hospitalisation outside the canton and payment of the cantonal share, which removes obstacles to the free movement of patients and facilitates regional cooperation between the two university hospitals
  • a common strategy and vision concerning the recruitment of university hospital physicians to ensure the recruitment of professionals with new or complementary skills in terms of the teams already in place
  • the strengthening of operational cooperation with the creation of an office to handle all issues linked to the centers’ operation or governance an overall vision of the partnerships set up by the Vaud-Geneva entities with other regional or cantonal hospitals.

En 2017, l’Association compte une quinzaine d’entités Vaud-Genève placées sous son égide et d’autres sont en voie de création.
La part majeure de l’activité est réalisée au sein des centers universitaires romands.

Vaud-Geneva collaborations

Date of establishment


French-speaking Swiss paediatric cardiac surgery and cardiology university center (CURCCCP) 2016 Prof. Maurice Beghetti (HUG)
French-speaking Swiss paediatric surgery university center (CURCP) 2014 Prof. Barbara Wildhaber (HUG)
French-speaking Swiss thoracic surgery university center (CURCT) 2015 Prof. Hans-Beat Ris (CHUV)
Prof. Frédéric Triponez (HUG)
French-speaking Swiss cochlear implant university hospital center (CHURIC) 2016 Dr. Pascal Senn (HUG)
French-speaking Swiss legal medicine university center (CURML) 2007 Prof. Silke Grabherr (CHUV)
French-speaking Swiss transplant university center (CURT) 2004 Prof. Philippe Morel (HUG)
Prof. Manuel Pascual (CHUV)
VD-GE epilepsy pre-surgical exploration and surgery programme 1997 Prof. Margitta Seeck (HUG)
Latin organ donor programme (PLDO) 2008 Dr. Philippe Eckert (CHUV)
French-speaking Swiss paediatric nephrology unit 2016 Prof. Paloma Parvex (HUG)
French-speaking Swiss paediatric immuno-rheumatology unit 2014 Dr. Michaël Hofer (CHUV)
French-speaking Swiss haematopoietic allograft and autograft unit 1994 Prof. Yves Chalandon (HUG)
Prof. Michel Duchosal (CHUV)

Hyperbaric medicine and therapy clinic (CMTH) and Hyperbaric medicine cross-sector programme (PMH)


Dr. Rodrigue Pignel (HUG)
Rare diseases platform 2012 Dr. Loredana D’Amato Sizonenko (HUG)
Dr. Frédéric Barbey (CHUV)
French-speaking Switzerland trauma network 2010 CHUV: Dre Catherine Heim,
Dr. Mylène Bourgeat, Dre Fabienne Ruefli,
Dr. Aleksandra Chervet
HUG: Dr Axel Gamulin, Dre Elisabeth Andereggen,
Dr. Isabelle Gherardi
CHVR: Dr Claude Haller, Nadia Loretan
Purchasing and biomedical engineering center (CAIB) 1998 Ricardo Avvenenti (HUG)


Last update : 11/07/2024