
Robert Mardini - Directeur général
Robert Mardini

The HUG Directorate general implements the policies and overall direction defined by the Board in conjunction with the Executive Committee.

Jean-François Pradeau - Directeur général adjoint ad interim
Jean-François Pradeau

The Deputy director general participates in the development and ensures the implementation of institutional objectives for their field of activity and any other matter delegated by the Director general.

Klara Posfay-Barbe
Prof. Klara Posfay-Barbe

The Medical and quality directorate is the professional division that embodies medical authority as defined by Geneva law regarding public medical institutions. Its mission is to guarantee quality and safety of the medical services provided by HUG.

Sandra Merkli
Sandra Merkli

The Nursing directorate is the authority in nursing matters. Its mission is to guarantee care quality and safety within the institution. In this context, the Care Director has oversight over all care activities (nurses and the different health and social care professionals).

Elvis Fontaine
Elvis Fontaine

The Procurement and biomedical engineering department, acting on behalf of the University Hospitals of the Vaud and Geneva cantons, ensures the procurement of medical and general goods and of equipment under the best market conditions. 

Fréderique Tissandier
Fréderique Tissandier

The Communication directorate's mission is to develop, propose and implement HUG communication policy and tools.

Antoine Geissbuhler
Prof. Antoine Geissbuhler

The Teaching and research directorate embodies academic authority as defined in the regulations regarding Hospital-University collaborations between the University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine and HUG.

Véronique Maye Voutat
Véronique Maye Voutat

Consistent with HUG strategic priorities, the External affairs directorate coordinates and manages all activities and relationships with the health stakeholders in Western Switzerland, Switzerland and abroad.

Rémy Mathieu
Rémy Mathieu

The mission of the Finance directorate is to implement financial policy for the Geneva University Hospitals.

Nathalie Manceau
Nathalie Manceau

The Operations directorate implements and maintains optimum admissions quality.

Gaëtan Tiger
Gaëtan Tiger

The Projects and processes directorate ensures the success of infrastructural and organisational projects implemented at the hospital. It is responsible for conducting institutional projects, professionalising and supporting project management, steering project portfolios, contributing to the development of the organisation and supporting change in cross-functional projects.

Laurent Tran
Laurent Tran

The Legal affairs directorate combines legal activities, mediation activities and handling serious adverse events.

Amir Kigouk
Amir Kigouk

The Human resources directorate contributes to the implementation of HUG strategic directions. It bases its policies especially on considering the individual the work/life balance, work health and safety, developing training and promoting internal mobility.

Jean-François Pradeau
Jean-François Pradeau

The Information systems directorate designs, develops, integrates, provides and maintains computer applications that process information that is useful for work activities, operations and management at the institution.

Jean-Claude Mbeke Esaki
Jean-Claude Mbeke Esaki

The Audit and internal control department creates the annual audit plan and performs audits requested by various HUG divisions. It is also in charge of the security policy for information systems.

Samuel Bonnet
Samuel Bonnet

The Infrastructure and real estate Directorate guarantees the management and maintenance of the HUG's infrastructures and real estate assets.