
Healthcare - 2017 Activity report

Developing the excellence of your care

Excelling for the patient is our daily commitment in order to offer each of you the best possible care, at the cutting edge of medicine.


People cared for

Each year, an average of one in three people from Geneva receives healthcare from HUG, whether they are seen as outpatients, treated in the emergency department or hospitalised. In addition to these patients, several thousand people come from other cantons or abroad to receive highly specialist care.

Outpatient activity has stabilised with over one million people treated. Surgical activity is stable; the proportion of operations assisted by a robot is tending to increase.


300 to 350 people

require a long stay in intensive care each year. Thanks to the opening of the Julliard building, they are now monitored in a specialist unit for an extended period (12 to 18 months).


2'000 people

treated in medical rehabilitation

The medical rehabilitation service has the perfect size and structure to take part in the study carried out across Switzerland with a view to drawing up standardised care models.
One unit in Bellerive and two in Loëx were chosen for this project entitled


Noon to 8 p.m.

From 27 March 2017, the visiting hours for people who have been hospitalised have been extended to maintain close contact between the patient and their loved ones. In certain sectors, such as intensive care, visits are allowed 24/7.


50 projects

presented during quality day

The 2017 award goes to Dr Andrea Trombetti and his team, who have put in place a complete programme for detecting and caring for patients who fall or are at a high risk of falling at the Trois-Chêne Hospital.

Last update : 10/07/2024