9 Strategic Projects

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Project 1 : Patients as partnersPatients as partners

As the primary beneficiaries of the services provided by the hospital, patients are very well placed to judge the organization of the care and services. They are key players in discussions.

To facilitate this dialogue and gather opinions, an interactive web platform (FR) was created in early 2017. It brings together some 350 professionals and as many patients or carers. The feedback from the latter has been highly instructive in improving:

  • comfort in the septic orthopaedic unit
  • understanding of consent forms
  • data transmission when patients are transferred between HUG and imad.

Project 2  : Staff in action

In 2017, this project saw the creation:

  • of an innovation center (FR) at the heart of the Gustave Julliard building
  • of a staff village given concrete form on each site by activities or services promoting well-being at work.

Inaugurated in May with the organization of the first HUG hackathon, the innovation center received over 40 projects from staff. Seventeen challenges were met; all innovative solutions found in connection with health and home healthcare.

The village has expanded its scope of action: conversion of the former Opéra Food kiosk and a terrace at the Children’s hospital, night catering test, IT kiosk, launch of a Tandem language platform, installation of book swap boxes and introduction of new classes (meditation, guitar, piano).

Project 3 : Clinical excellence and quality

Quality is an integral part of HUG’s commitments. One of the priority actions consists in improving the care provided in the emergency department. One year after it opened, the noncritical geriatric emergency department at the Trois-Chêne Hospital is showing satisfactory performance. The admission and care tailored to the elderly are highly appreciated by patients and the city’s doctors.

In 2017, the HUG Private Foundation (FR) attributed one million Swiss francs to projects concerning:

  • drug prescription safety
  • welcoming people with a disability.


For the first time, HUG is publishing a quality report reviewing its policy and actions. 


Project 4 : The patient process

The continuity of care received by the patient before, during and after their stay at HUG represents a huge challenge.

30,000 Genevans have already registered on the MonDossierMedical.ch platform. HUG has incorporated it into its Computerised Patient File (CPF). In certain situations, the information appears at a later date in order to prioritise direct patient/healthcare provider contact when announcing a difficult diagnosis.

Several projects were launched in 2017 to improve flow management or develop new clinical pathways in collaboration with imad. This facilitates optimal and coordinated patient care across the healthcare network.

13'000 medical documents

sent monthly thanks to MyHUG. This platform facilitates secure information sharing between professionals from HUG and the city involved in a patient’s care.


Project 5 : Our everyday values

In addition to the institutional values (quality, innovation, service and responsibility), four interpersonal values have been drawn up with the teams:

  • trust
  • respect
  • team spirit
  • recognition.

They are based on a shared foundation – communication – and are expressed through everyday behaviour.

In 2017, around one hundred workshops were organized in the services, leading to the signature of commitment agreements. A new internal poster campaign was carried out with a strong message: Together we are one. It demonstrates the importance of bringing all of the personnel on board with the shared values, working towards a common goal: taking better care of our patients.

Project 6 : More time for patients

How do you find quality time to devote to patients? By reorganizing activities, simplifying processes and working more collaboratively.

In 2017, three neurosurgery, internal medicine and rehabilitation teams reorganized their activities and designed a model that will be rolled out in all of the units.

Another pilot experience conducted in a unit in the Julliard building: the medical healthcare team moved activities to the patient’s bed, in particular the medical consultation, to include the patient in the discussions. The result: 20% time saved.

162 days freed up per year

thanks to the Tracebox Kanban system, which automates equipment orders.


Project 7 : Academic medicine

HUG has achieved a high level of excellence, earning it national and international recognition. This strategic project looks to:

  • strengthen academic cooperation in today’s medicine
  • explore avenues for tomorrow’s medicine.

To encourage discussions in French-speaking Swiss university centers that practise highly specialized medicine, two coordinators have been hired by the Vaud-Geneva association. Several collaboration agreements have been signed with French-speaking Swiss hospitals and hospitals in neighbouring France in the areas of surgery, neurology and cancer treatment.

Seven projects linked to personalized medicine have received funding from the Swiss Personalized Health Network and the Leenaards Foundation.

Project 8 : Personalized staff career path

HUG is always looking to attract and retain talent.

This involves:

  • facilitating the integration of new staff through a mentoring system
  • developing career paths to encourage positive mobility.

In 2017, the human resources division created a professional mobility platform to advise and support staff in forming their career plans. A map, resembling an underground map and representing over 250 posts, was drawn up to show members of staff the different advancement opportunities at HUG.

Project 9 : Social and environmental responsibility

As the largest employer in the canton of Geneva, HUG has a significant economic, social and environmental responsibility.

Social responsibility relates to displaying exemplary conduct in HR management and making humanitarian commitments. In 2017, HUG obtained fifth place in the health institutions and public services category in the corporate ranking carried out by the magazine Bilan. This is a good acknowledgment of the actions carried out on behalf of staff.

Environmental responsibility encompasses some 60 measures to reduce HUG’s environmental footprint. Remarkable results have been obtained with regard to reducing water consumption and producing green renewable energy. A seventh HUG kitchen using local, seasonal produce has received the GRTA label.


52% Recycling is booming at HUG: in 2017, 52% of industrial waste was recycled, compared to the cantonal rate of 47%.

Last update : 09/07/2024