Emergency department

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Rise in the number of casesemergency department

Consulting an emergency department is becoming second nature. In 2017, the total number of cases admitted by HUG’s emergency services rose by 5.3%. It increased to 88,825 adult patients (including gynaecological and obstetrical and geriatric emergencies) and 29,139 children

The increase particularly concerns:

  • vital, i.e. critical, adult emergencies (Emergency 1)
  • the least critical adult emergencies that could have been seen by a physician in the city
  • paediatric emergencies (up 3.8% on average each year since 2012) frequented by parents who do not have a specific paediatrician or who wish to consult a doctor after their working hours.


An emergency every 5 min



calls to 144 recorded

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, you should call 144. In 2017, 67,054 emergency calls were recorded; 31,564 emergency interventions made, including 4,556 medicalised interventions by the emergency rapid response unit. Twelve major events involved more than 5 patients.


Reduction in waiting times

Despite the constant rise in activity, the waiting times for being seen in the adult emergency department have improved. This is the result of measures deployed over the past few years:

  • enlarging the imaging facilities
  • adding additional consultation booths
  • improving the transfer of patients between floors and
  • faster nursing triage.

The opening of the geriatric emergency department and nighttime outpatient emergency department has also helped to improve patient flow.

85 years old

This was the average age of the elderly people admitted to the non-critical geriatric emergency department at the Trois-Chêne Hospital. In 2017, 2,614 patients were seen. The results one year after the opening are extremely positive in terms of comfort and quality of care. 

Last update : 09/07/2024