Your treatment

Communications chart *

Important information about your hospital stay is written on a chart in your room. This will include the names of the medical and care team looking after you, your schedule for the day and also the planning for your discharge from hospital. You and your close friends and relatives may also use it for communicating your questions and your needs.

(*) Except for the Maternity Hospital, Psychiatric Hospital and Beau-Séjour Hospital

A team around you

Need anything? We will listen.
Any doubts? Share them with us.
Questions? Go ahead and ask. 

Your doctor and your designated nurse(s) are there to answer your questions at any time and to take decisions about your health together with you. With your consent they will also share information with your close friends and relatives.

A badge to identify your specific contacts

pouce  doctors
pouce  care staf
pouce  care assistants​​​​​​​
pouce  multi-professional healthcare staf
pouce  support, administration and volunteers

Personalized treatment

From the moment you arrive the care staff will engage with you to learn about your state of health. Take advantage of this moment to provide as much information as possible about yourself. Your participation enables your care and treatment to be personalized to you. The care staff will respect your privacy whilst at the same time ensuring your comfort and safety. Any examination or analysis requires your agreement.

pouce  doctors
pouce  care staf
pouce  care assistants​​​​​​​
pouce  multi-professional healthcare staf
pouce  support, administration and volunteers

Your close friends and relatives

A human hospital is an accessible hospital, therefore your parents and your close friends and relatives are welcome. Their presence at your side can be a great source of comfort. This is why visits are authorized from 8 am to 8 pm. However, to aid the smooth running of care and treatment, please suggest they arrive after 10 am. In the event of a medical necessity, visiting hours can be adapted.

See the visiting hours for each place of care

Your caregivers

Their role is essential in your treatment. If a close friend or relative who is your caregiver visits you in hospital, ask them to introduce themselves to the medical and healthcare teams. This enables the teams to meet them and integrate them into your treatment.

Social services *

Our patient discharge team will help and orient you, should you need it, in completing certain formalities during your hospital stay in order to facilitate your discharge. They form a link with external social networks and coordinate any possible social, legal and administrative support.

* Except for the Crans-Montana Clinic


Please do not hesitate to request the help of an interpreter (FR). Whatever your language, including sign language, the care team can call on professionals who have been trained in bilingual medical discourse. They are bound my medical confidentiality and are paid by the HUG (no extra costs for you).

Last update : 22/01/2025