
2017 a year for you

Openings, visits, information campaigns and cultural activities: a lot has happened over the past year.


the official opening of the Gustave Julliard buildingThe traditional cutting of the ribbon during the official opening of the Gustave Julliard building






Declare your love to patients and staffDeclare your love to patients and staff: a cultural affairs initiative with the company Bagatelle






The HUG arcadeThe HUG arcade, located near the Opéra terrace, offers an information, relaxation and mediation area






L’Opéra des baleinesL’Opéra des baleines, a work created by Thomas Perrodin thanks to the HUG Private Foundation, creates a magical link between two buildings






The marche du MaradonThe marche du Maradon took to the streets of the city to raise public awareness about organ donation






Maternity hospital extensionThe traditional cutting of the ribbon during the official opening of the Maternity hospital extension






the Children Action FoundationWith the Children Action Foundation, the Malatavie Crisis Unit becomes an interactive exhibition on suicide prevention in the Parc des Bastions






Heart dayHeart day: the cardiology and cardiovascular surgery teams united to prevent heart problems






AIDS – A fight in imagesAIDS – A fight in images: the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum and HUG organised a joint event for World AIDS Day






Chef’s GoutatooThree times a year, Chef’s Goutatoo serve a gourmet snack after blood donation

Last update : 11/07/2024