Executive committee: operational decisions

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The executive committee (EC) steers HUG; it implements the decisions of the board of directors. Its chair – the chief executive officer – receives his instructions from the chair of the board of directors.

This body sits every week. In 2017, it handled 389 cases and met 45 times.

As part of its work, the EC in particular:

  • monitored the implementation of the Vision 20/20 strategic plan and the progress of nine projects
  • worked on the operation of the governing bodies, in connection with the audit carried out by the audit office
  • studied specific concerns, for example compliance with the labour law, care for crossborder patients and the transfer of several departments to the new Gustave Julliard hospital building
  • modified several directives and the composition of certain commissions
  • discussed a new security concept and the continuity of HUG’s activities in the event of a major incident.

In 2017, the members of the EC were as follows:

  • Bertrand Levrat, chair of the executive committee and chief executive officer
  • Michèle Righetti, deputy managing director (deputy chair)
  • Henri Bounameaux, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and director of teaching and research
  • André Laubscher, healthcare director until the end of 2017, then Sandra Merkli from September 2017
  • Sylvia de Meyer, communications director
  • Arnaud Perrier, medical director
  • Brigitte Rorive Feytmans, chief financial officer
  • Claudia Schwesinger, director of human resources until the end of August 2017, then André Laubscher ad interim from September 2017.
Last update : 09/07/2024