Secrétariat d'endocrinologie et diabétologie

Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève

Complément d'adresse
Bâtiment Klein, 1er étage
Secrétariat de l'unité de nutrition

Boulevard de la Cluse 87
1205 Genève

Secrétariat de l'unité d'éducation thérapeutique

Chemin Venel 7
Villa Soleillane
1206 Genève

Secrétariat de lipidologie

Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève

Pr François Jornayvaz
François Jornayvaz
Médecin-chef de service

Laboratoire de recherche NAFLD et résistance à l'insuline

Responsable : Pr François JORNAYVAZ

Groupe de recherche

  • Dr Emmanuel SOMM, biologiste, collaborateur scientifique 
  • Mme Elodie PERROUD, laborantine 
  • Dr Karim GARIANI, Privat-Docent, médecin adjoint agrégé 

Our lab is mainly focused on the link between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and insulin resistance, which represents a key step in the development of type 2 diabetes. The topic is of importance and clinically relevant since type 2 diabetes is projected to increase and affect 592 million people worldwide by 2035. NAFLD/NASH is a very important disease and now represents the most frequent chronic liver disease worldwide. It is estimated to affect up to 60 to 70% of people with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, NAFLD represents the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and as such represents a cardiovascular risk factor. The aims of the lab are therefore to: identify patients with NAFLD; identify which patients will present progression of their hepatic disease; and find therapeutic targets to prevent and heal NAFLD/NASH. To these ends, we use a translational approach using cell cultures, in vivo animal models and humans.

Groupe de recherche

Consultez le biosketch et les publications

Dernière mise à jour : 17/12/2021