Board of directors: the higher authority

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HUG’s higher authority, the board of directors (FR) (BoD) is invested with wide-ranging powers to manage and define the healthcare policy, subject to the legislative – Grand Council (parliament) – and executive – Council of State – authorities of the Republic and canton of Geneva.

In 2017, this decision-making body sat 11 times and dealt with 90 cases.

Within the framework of its work, it adopted or approved:

  • the 2016 accounts (including the trustee’s report) and the 2018 draft budget
  • the 2018 annual equipment plan
  • the consolidated matrix of institutional risks for 2017
  • the annual agreed charge contracts
  • different structural changes to HUG’s organization chart
  • several department projects focused on rehabilitation (Joli-Mont, Crans-Montana) or medical rehabilitation.

This board discussed its workings and considered the following matters in particular:

  • the project for transferring HUG’s helicopter base to REGA
  • the future of psychiatric care in a prison setting
  • the use of islets of Langerhans for medical research
  • the reorganization of the private division
  • the outpatient surgery centre project within the framework of a public-private partnership
  • evaluation of the organization and challenges to be met by HUG, performed at the request of the Grand Council and submitted by the Council of State.

The following are members for the legislative period until 30 November 2018:

  • François Canonica, chair of the board of directors, Council of State representative
  • Gabrielle Maulini, vice-chair, Grand Council representative (Ve)
  • Olivier Sandoz, secretary of the board of directors, Council of State representative
  • Mauro Poggia, State Councillor in charge of the employment, social affairs and health department
  • Domenico Alborino, Council of State representative
  • Navid Alizadeh, Council of State representative
  • David Andenmatten, Grand Council representative (EAG)
  • Frédéric Baldini, Grand Council representative (S)
  • Ariane Blum Brunier, Council of State representative
  • Solange Caillon, elected staff representative (SSP) until the end of July 2017, and then Manuel Estraviz from August 2017
  • Christian van Delden, elected staff representative (healthcare personnel list)
  • Marc Fuhrmann, Grand Council representative (UDC)
  • Roger Golay, Grand Council representative (MCG)
  • Xavier Lalanne, elected staff representative (SIT) from 1 January 2017
  • Guy Larmanjat, Ain General Council representative until 20 December 2017
  • Pierre-François Leyvraz, Canton of Vaud representative
  • Michel Matter, Canton of Geneva Association of Physicians representative
  • Alain-Dominique Mauris, Grand Council representative (PLR)
  • Roger Mayou, Council of State representative
  • Odette Saez, Grand Council representative (PDC)

The executive committee attends the board of directors’ meetings.

Last update : 09/07/2024