Medical activity

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Rise in inpatient activityRise in inpatient activity

In 2017, HUG handled 63,247 hospital stays compared to 59,955 in 2016. This steady rise since 2010 is linked to the increase in and ageing of the population of the canton of Geneva; it was accentuated in 2017 by the integration of the Joli-Mont and Crans-Montana Clinics into HUG.



+ 9 %

between 2014 and 2017

This is the rise in the number of cases treated at HUG that fall under highly specialized and academic medicine. This activity represents 3.4% of acute cases and demonstrates HUG’s regional appeal and influence.


Acute care

The rise in acute care was moderate in 2017 (up 1.4% compared to 2016). It was driven by an increase in obstetrics activity.

With the ageing of the population, HUG has continued to expand the somatic acute care area in the Trois-Chêne Hospital in order to ensure better care for geriatric patients.

Non - acute care

Due to the integration of the Joli-Mont and Crans-Montana Clinics (+2,548 cases), non-acute care activity increased: +54% hospital cases and +31% hospitalisation days.

In psychiatry, fewer cases were handled, but the length of stay has risen. HUG has made an effort to alleviate the over-occupation of certain units and smooth patient transfer. A case manager was put in place in late 2016 and the adult psychiatry department reorganised to this end.

Stabilisation of outpatient activityStabilisation of outpatient activity

Following the upswing in outpatient activity observed over the past few years, the growth in outpatient activity stabilised with 1,037,921 patients seen in 2017.

Outpatient activity is growing in:

  • ophthalmology and ENT specialties linked to the opening of a day hospital
  • the adult emergency department due to the opening of outpatient pathways at night
  • in gynaecology and obstetrics with an increase in prenatal consultations and echography activity.

However, it is decreasing in:

  • psychiatry, following the closure of the Integrated Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Centre (CAPPI) in Pâquis and the transfer of care for some of these patients to other CAPPIs
  • in surgery, due to a change of practice in post-operative nursing care, which increasingly takes place at the patient’s home.



of ophthalmology procedures are performed on an outpatient basis


2,9  weeks

Among the indicators featuring in the service contract, the time between the first consultation and the operation is an important criterion in quality of care. At the breast centre, this period was 2.9 weeks in 2017 compared to 3.5 in 2012.


Smarter Medicine

The Smarter Medicine - Choosing Wisely Switzerland association was created in June 2017. It suggests avoiding unnecessary and detrimental examinations by creating a conversation between the doctor and patient. HUG is the first partner hospital with this association.

Last update : 09/07/2024