
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Complément d'adresse
C Building, 2nd Floor
Portrait du Pr Karl Schaller
Karl Schaller
Head of Division


What does the intervention consist of?

The intervention aims to:

  • set the vertebrae in place through a system of screws, plates or rods, usually made of titanium, for stabilization
  • insert a bone or synthetic graft, according to the neurosurgeon’s opinion, to create a rigid interface that fuses the vertebrae together.

The neurosurgeon will determine the number of vertebrae to be fused and will choose the technique that is best suited to your situation. According to the vertebrae concerned (lumbar or cervical), they will make one or more incisions, which are called “access routes”:

  • on your abdomen, thorax or neck (“anterior" route),
  • on your back (“posterior” route),
  • or on your side (“lateral” route).

The intervention is carried out under general anesthesia.

“I already had two herniated discs. For the third one, a spondylodesis was offered to me to fuse two lumbar vertebrae (4 and 5) and stabilize my back. 
The intervention took four and a half hours. I was able to walk starting on the 2nd day, without pain, with an analgesic treatment. It was very satisfying and especially important for my moral state of mind.”

Marc, 55 years old

Last update : 14/02/2019