Projects and Processes Directorate

Mr. Gaëtan Tiger
Mr. Gaëtan Tiger
Director of Projects and Processes


The Projects and Processes Directorate (DPP) is an organization associated with the General Directorate. Its core tasks are to :

  • Lead institutional projects
  • Professionalize project management
  • Manage the projects portfolio
  • Support the organization’s development and assist with changes in cross-disciplinary projects


It is composed of two divisions, each responsible for different areas:

The “Projects” Division

which covers the Directorate’s main activities:

  • Managing major projects (Emergency Room restructuring and renovation project, outpatient surgery center creation project, surgical activity restructuring and renovation project, child and adolescent center creation project)
  • Strategic supervision (alignment with the institution’s strategic plan)
  • Managing external resources in project management (collaborating with external providers to better assist project managers or carry out projects)
  • Boosting synergy between the institution’s main projects (collaborations between project managers, reporting harmonization, etc.)
  • Project management (project leadership)
  • Project assistance (methodological support and coaching)
  • Financial oversight for projects (supervising the budgets allocated to projects)
  • Evaluating experiences (feedback)

The “Institutional PMO” Division

which groups together the tools and network that help the DPP carry out its mission:

  • Portfolios and reporting (represents the institutional project coordination and monitoring office and reports back to the Executive Committee)
  • One-stop center (point of entry for projects developed at the institution)
  • PMO unit (coordinating institution PMs)
  • Training and support center (providing tools, techniques and training to employees to standardize project management practices and professionalize project management at HUG)
  • Process management (modeling, optimizing and switching to paperless systems) (Service-Now)
  • Collaborative tools (Sharepoint, Workfront).


  • Melek LUQUE | Executive Assistant 
  • David BANDON | Head of «Institutional PMO » Division 
  • Ghislain MASURE | Head of « Projects » Division |
  • Ivano GAMBONE | Administrator – Project Financial Management 
  • Stéphane BRUAND | Project Manager 
  • Carole CUVILLIEZ | Project Manager 
  • Virginie MILLART | Project Manager 
  • Sophie MAUROUX | Project Manager
  • Eva VAUCHER - ELFENKAEMPER | Project Manager 
  • Audrey RICHARD | Junior Project Manager 
  • Blanche SANNICOLO | Junior Project Manager 
  • Elodie CARDONA | Quality Officer 
  • Lolita LOUREIRO | PMO referent in organization and agility | Specialist in Blended-learning
  • Mariem SYLL | Project Support
Last update : 02/07/2024