To find out more
Huguette Guisado
Hôpital de Bellerive
Chemin de la Savonnière 11
1245 Collonge-Bellerive
If you feel the need, please contact your doctor, a therapist, a chaplain, or the professionals of the establishment that supported the deceased.
Various brochures about the mourning process are available, ask the healthcare team for them:
- For you who just lost a child (2010)
- For you who just lost your baby
- Practical information in the event of death, ref. 97204
Or download them from the site:
You can also order the Directory of resources to live with your bereavement better: Association Vivre son Deuil / Suisse, Case postale 98, 1350 Orbe, 024 534 08 74