Fréderique Tissandier
Attached to the Director general, the Communication directorate is responsible for developing, proposing and implementing policies and tools for communication at HUG. Its actions aim to:
- strengthen HUG visibility externally
- develop internal communication
- participate in improving patient information
- ensure art is present at the hospital
This directorate promotes HUG and organizes information according to the different target audiences (internal, external, patients). The goal is to develop an positive image that stands out from other service providers; credible, coherent and sustainable.
The Communication directorate is organized into different services, by field of expertise :
- Institutional communications : (Head : Diane de Saab, diane.desaab@hug.ch)
- Digital communication (Head: Franck Schneider, franck.schneider@hug.ch), responsible for web sites, mobile applications and social media.
- Internal & external communication (Head: Jérôme Divorne, jerome.divorne@hug.ch), including referring communication officers of the medical departments
- Publications (Head: Suzy Soumaille, suzy.soumaille@hug.ch),in charge of Pulsations (the hospital's magazine) and of patient information via the Patients' and relatives' information group
- Media and public relations (Head: Nicolas de Saussure, nicolas.desaussure@hug.ch), in charge of contacts with journalists and public relations
- Cultural affairs (Head: Michèle Lechevalier, michele.lechevalier@hug.ch)
- Fréderique Tissandier, Director, frederique.tissandier@hug.ch
- Isabelle Borel, Assistant, isabelle.champonnois-borel@hug.ch
- Jérôme Divorne, Deputy director, jerome.divorne@hug.ch
- Nicolas de Saussure, Media and public relations manager, nicolas.desaussure@hug.ch