1. Working with community physicians

In 2011 and 2017, the HUG conducted two satisfaction surveys among the members of the Canton of Geneva Doctors’ Association, to obtain their opinion.

In 2011, the physicians surveyed said they were satisfied with the quality of care provided at the HUG (72% positively evaluated the treatment and care prescribed at discharge). But they wanted the organization of admissions to be improved and admission deadlines to be shortened. They also requested that the arrangements for discharge from the hospital be improved and that the time frame for sending the discharge letter be reduced.

In direct response to their remarks, several measures have been taken to a) facilitate and speed up admissions and b) better coordinate the patient's discharge. A direct admissions office (BAD) has been created to allow community doctors to hospitalize their patients without having to attend the emergency department.

In 2017, doctors who used the BAD were mostly satisfied with the organization and speed of the admissions procedure. It should be noted, however, that 21% of doctors did not use it because they were not aware of this service.

In order to improve communications with community and family physicians when their patients are discharged, a discharge notice is now sent within 24 hours, in addition to the letter of discharge which is sent within 14 days. More than 60% of physicians said they were satisfied with the clarity and relevance of the information contained in the discharge notice, but a third of them are still not happy with the time it took to receive it.

Sharing information with Family Physicians/GPs

MyHUG is a secure portal that allows a patient's results (with their consent) to be sent to their doctor: laboratory analyses, X-ray or MRI images, operative reports, discharge letters, etc. It also enables the patient's regular physician to send files to doctors at the HUG. In 2017, 47.8% of doctors surveyed said they had heard of MyHUG, compared to 24.1% in 2011. Among those who knew about it, a third reported using it frequently (more than 15 times a month). 55% of myHUG users said they were satisfied with the tool, compared to 39% in 2011. Note that 27% of doctors surveyed did not know how to sign up to MyHUG and 18% of doctors were completely unaware of the services offered by this portal. The HUG will therefore continue their communication efforts with community physicians. 

15 000

documents sent each month

1 200

treatment protocols available to oncologists


All medical documents on MonDossierMedical.ch

The HUG has been involved since the outset in the MonDossierMedical.ch project, set up by the State of Geneva. This online record system gives the patient access to their medical files, with the opportunity to pass them on to the professionals of their choice (doctors, pharmacists, home care) should they wish.

In January 2018, more than 22,000 patients were registered on MonDossierMedical.ch and some 800 new medical files are opened each month.

MyDossierMedical.ch also offers two essential tools for continuity of care:

  • a shared medication plan that summarizes all the medication taken by the patient
  • a shared treatment plan offering personalized follow-up by a multidisciplinary team.


Last update : 23/05/2018