Gynecology Division

Boulevard de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Patrick Petignat
Patrick Petignat
Head of division

Ligament twinges

I have twinges in the lower abdomen, what should I do?

In early pregnancy and until the middle of pregnancy, pain felt in the lower abdomen towards the folds of the groin often corresponds to "ligament twinges". The uterus is supported on both sides by ligaments that stretch during its growth, leading to pain that can be very uncomfortable. However, this is not abnormal.

During the second half of pregnancy these twinges can be contractions.

Practical advice:

  • Rest on your side
  • Avoid long walks
  • Avoid prolonged standing
  • If necessary, take paracetamol 500 mg (1-2 capsules)


More information

Last update : 29/01/2019