Gynecology Division

Boulevard de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Patrick Petignat
Patrick Petignat
Head of division

Female genital mutilation

The HUG Gynecology Division has extensive experience in the prevention, care, and management of complications related to female genital mutilation.

Female genital mutilation (or FGM) refers to the ritual removal of external female genitalia, such as excision, infibulation, or circumcision. There are several categories of female genital mutilation. All can have major consequences on the physical, psychological, and sexual health of women. In Switzerland, it is estimated that this affects 15,000 women.

Female genital mutilation: an office ready to help

Since 2010, a specialized and multidisciplinary office, comprised of physicians and nursing staff trained in these situations, has offered personalized and adapted care.

What are the complications of genital mutilation?

  • Urinary problems (painful urination, infections)
  • Gynecological problems (cysts, infections)
  • Sexual problems (pain, etc.)
  • Obstetric problems (complications with childbirth)
  • Psychological problems (depression, anxiety, etc.)

Do you have questions? Talk to your gynecologist or contact the specialized office


What happens at the consultation?

You are seen at the office in full confidentiality and can ask any questions you wish. After discussion and as needed, you are examined to determine the treatment most suitable for your situation.

The consultation is conducted by a gynecologist trained in medical and surgical aspects, as well as cultural particulars. She offers personalized care and services, which are respectful and culturally sensitive.

She works closely with:

  • A sexual and reproductive health counselor from the HUG Sexual Health and Family Planning Unit
  • Two sexologists (psychologist and psychiatrist) from the Sexology and Psychosomatic Gynecology Office of the Gynecology Division
  • Two pediatricians from the General Pediatrics Division
  • Health Unit for Asylum Seekers and Refugees - USAR
  • The Interdisciplinary Unit for Medicine and Prevention of Violence
  • Certified interpreters

Care and services of the office

  • Information about female genital mutilation
  • Clinical examination with certificate for forensic purposes
  • Personalized assessment
  • Treatment of complications and consequences of female genital mutilation
  • Deinfibulation (surgical treatment for infibulation)
  • Clitoral reconstructive surgery
  • Explanations and discussions about childbirth, check-up after childbirth, guidance about pelvic floor rehabilitation
  • Prevention of female genital mutilation

Learn more

RTS, Temps Présent - Excision, une horreur sans frontières [RTS (Swiss Radio and Television), Present Time - Excision, a horror without borders]

RTS, 36.9° - Entre plaisir et santé : que savez-vous du clitoris ? [RTS, 36.9° - Between pleasure and health: what do you know about the clitoris?]

Retrouvez la Dre Jasmine Abdulcadir sur le plateau du Téléjournal de la RTS le 6 février 2017 à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la tolérance zéro à l’égard des mutilations génitales féminines : [Meet Dr. Jasmine Abdulcadir on the set of the RTS Newscast on February 6, 2017 for the International Day of Zero Tolerance Against Female Genital Mutilation]

Mutilations génitales féminines: informer pour combattre [Female Genital Mutilation: Get Informed to Fight]

Reportage :

Tolérance zéro face aux mutilations génitales féminines [Report: Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation]


Dr. Jasmine Abdulcadir Senior Resident Tel. +41 (0)79 553 50 97 jasmine.abdulcadir@hcuge.ch

More information

Last update : 02/07/2024