
Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Complément d'adresse
Building C, floor P, Jura Wing
rodrigue pinel
Rodrigue Pignel
Program Manager


In Switzerland, like at the international level, research in hyperbaric medicine is still insufficient. In particular, there are few solid scientific publications according to the criteria of evidence-based medicine.

Research development project

The Hyperbaric Medicine Program must allow scientific research to be developed and increase the number of publications in order to:

  • Participate in the development of this discipline;
  • Validate new therapeutic indications;
  • Establish the credibility of the HUG hyperbaric team;
  • Demonstrate HUG expertise.

Participation in research protocols

Publications and works

  1. Niyibizi EKembi GELae C, Sologashvili T.Delayed hyperbaric oxygen therapy for air emboli after open heart surgery: case report and review of a success story. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016 Dec 5;11(1):167.
  2. Andre-Levigne D, Modarressi A, Pignel R, Bochaton-Piallat M, Pittet-Cuenod B, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes wound repair in ischemic and hyperglycemic conditions, increasing tissue perfusion and collagen deposition, Wound Rep Reg (2016)
  3. M. Coulange, E. Blatteau, O. Le Pennetier, F. Joulia, P. Constantin, A. Desplantes, A. Henckes, V. Lafay, A. Kauert, R. Pignel, B. Barberon, P. Louge, A. Barthélémy. Accidents en plongée subaquatique et en milieu hyperbare [Accidents in scuba diving and in hyperbaric environment], Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale, Médecine d’urgence [25-030-G-20] 2015 - Doi: 10.1016/S1959-5182(15)65303-X 
  4. Kamtchum Tatuene J, Pignel R, Pollak P, Lovblad KO, Kleinschmidt A, Vargas MI. Neuroimaging of Diving-Related Decompression Illness: Current Knowledge and Perspectives. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2014 Jun.
  5. T.Wuillemin, A. Dos Santos, JL Ziltener, JY Berney, C Lanier, Certificats médicaux pour les séjours en haute montagne et la plongée sous marine [Medical certifications for stays in high mountains and scuba diving], Rev Med Suisse 2014; vol 10: 1772-1779,
  6. M. Abosaleh, R. Pignel, W.-H. Boehncke, Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie bei therapierefraktärem Pyoderma gangraenosum (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Case of Refractory Pyoderma Gangraenosum), Eine Klinik im Blickpunkt, Akt Dermatol, Thieme Verlag DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1344379, 2013
  7. R. Pignel, Plaies, cicatrisation et OHB, les soins de plaie, manuel de l’Association Suisse pour les soins de plaies [Wounds, healing and HBOT, wound care, manual of the Swiss Association for wound care], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
  8. M Pellegrini, B Yersin, Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone, traité de médecine d’urgence pré-hospitalière [Carbon monoxide poisoning, treated by pre-hospital emergency medicine], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
  9. M. Mattiuzzo, O. François, C. Combescure, C. Fonzo-Christe, P. Bonnabry, R. Pignel, Utilisation d’un aérosol doseur de salbutamol en chambre hyperbare [Use of a salbutamol inhaler in hyperbaric chamber], Poster, Annual Joint Assembly (SSP [Swiss Society for Pulmonology], SSPP [Swiss Society for Pediatric Pulmonology], SSCT [Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery], SUHMS [Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society]), Crans-Montana 2012
  10. M Pellegrini, P Avrillon, Le MEOPA pour les douleurs procédurales, les soins de plaie, manuel de l’Association Suisse pour les soins de plaies [Nitrous oxide for procedural pain, wound care, manual of the Swiss Association for wound care], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
  11. R. Pignel, P. Avrillon, M. Parceiro, Création d’un système de ventilation de secours adapté au caisson hyperbare [Creation of an emergency ventilation system adapted to the hyperbaric chamber], Poster, 5th HUG Innovation Day, 2011
  12. J-L Frossard, P Braude, J-Y Berney, Computed tomography colonography imaging of pneumatosis intestinalis after hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a case report, Journal of Medical Case Reports 2011, 5:375
  13. E Schaub, M Pellegrini, D Pugin, Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone [Carbon monoxide poisoning]. Rev Med Suisse, 2009; vol 213: p1606-1609.
  14. D Pugin JY Berney, Plongée sous marine et médecine hyperbare [Scuba diving and hyperbaric medicine]. Rev Med Suisse 2009; vol 213: p1610-1614.
  15. Y Green, JY Berney, Indications électives de l’oxygénothérapie hyperbare [Elective indications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy]. Rev Med Suisse 2009; vol 213: p1615-1618.

Current projects

  1. D. Levigne, R. Pignel, A. Modaressi, B. Pittet, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and NOX projects
  2. J. Schmutz (Bâle hyperbaric center), R. Pignel (HUG hyperbaric center), Dossier Tarmed, indication de l’OHB dans le traitement de la surdité brusque idiopathique [TARMED File, indication of HBOT in the treatment of idiopathic sudden deafness]
  3. MA Magnan, F Champly, R. Pignel, “SOS Gelures” [SOS Frostbite], Projet InterReg France-Suisse, Evaluation de l’OHB dans la prise en charge des Gelures [Interreg France-Switzerland Project, Evaluation of HBOT in the treatment of Frostbite]
  4. R. Pignel, J. Lelievre, M Decroux, désaturation rapide en cas d’urgence vitale [rapid desaturation in case of life-threatening emergency].

On accordance with our multidisciplinary nature, these works are being carried out in cooperation with our colleagues from different divisions at the HUG and in France (Hôpitaux du Mont-Blanc)

Last update : 29/01/2019