
Bd de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Médecin-cheffe de service

Maternity Contrepoids [Weight Management] Program

Programme Contrepoids Maternité Pregnancy and obesity, A multidisciplinary care program

The Maternity Contrepoids® [Weight Management] Program, launched in late 2016, is the result of a collaboration between the High-risk Obstetric Unit and the [Contrepoids] Weight Management Program

It includes:

  • a consultation
  • workshops
  • monitoring after the pregnancy for the mother and child

The program is for women who are overweight or obese and who:

  • are pregnant
  • are planning on getting pregnant

The Contrepoids® [Weight Management] Maternity program objectives are as follows:

  • control weight gain during pregnancy so that it is not excessive and help the woman return to her original weight
  • early detection of maternal, fetal or infantile complications through appropriate care
  • prevent long-term complications linked to maternal obesity and childhood obesity.

The program brings together specialists from several disciplines to support the future mother, and offers multi-disciplinary, personalized, and long-term care. The team provides care during the pregnancy, the stay in Maternity, and then with the family.

Contact:  022 372 44 00 or

Obesity in pregnant women is on the rise. At HUG Maternity, the largest in Switzerland, 30% of pregnant women are overweight, and more than half of these are obese.

The Maternity Contrepoids® [Weight Management] Program received support from the HUG Private Foundation.

To find out more about the Maternity Contrepoids [Weight Management] Program

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Enceinte et en surpoids : une prise en charge innovante aux HUG
Last update : 11/07/2024