In Switzerland, like at the international level, research in hyperbaric medicine is still insufficient. In particular, there are few solid scientific publications according to the criteria of evidence-based medicine.
Research development project
The Hyperbaric Medicine Program must allow scientific research to be developed and increase the number of publications in order to:
- Participate in the development of this discipline;
- Validate new therapeutic indications;
- Establish the credibility of the HUG hyperbaric team;
- Demonstrate HUG expertise.
Participation in research protocols
- SOS Gelures [SOS Frostbite]
- European recommendations
Publications and works
- Niyibizi E, Kembi GE, Lae C, Sologashvili T.Delayed hyperbaric oxygen therapy for air emboli after open heart surgery: case report and review of a success story. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016 Dec 5;11(1):167.
- Andre-Levigne D, Modarressi A, Pignel R, Bochaton-Piallat M, Pittet-Cuenod B, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes wound repair in ischemic and hyperglycemic conditions, increasing tissue perfusion and collagen deposition, Wound Rep Reg (2016)
- M. Coulange, E. Blatteau, O. Le Pennetier, F. Joulia, P. Constantin, A. Desplantes, A. Henckes, V. Lafay, A. Kauert, R. Pignel, B. Barberon, P. Louge, A. Barthélémy. Accidents en plongée subaquatique et en milieu hyperbare [Accidents in scuba diving and in hyperbaric environment], Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale, Médecine d’urgence [25-030-G-20] 2015 - Doi: 10.1016/S1959-5182(15)65303-X
- Kamtchum Tatuene J, Pignel R, Pollak P, Lovblad KO, Kleinschmidt A, Vargas MI. Neuroimaging of Diving-Related Decompression Illness: Current Knowledge and Perspectives. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2014 Jun.
- T.Wuillemin, A. Dos Santos, JL Ziltener, JY Berney, C Lanier, Certificats médicaux pour les séjours en haute montagne et la plongée sous marine [Medical certifications for stays in high mountains and scuba diving], Rev Med Suisse 2014; vol 10: 1772-1779,
- M. Abosaleh, R. Pignel, W.-H. Boehncke, Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie bei therapierefraktärem Pyoderma gangraenosum (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Case of Refractory Pyoderma Gangraenosum), Eine Klinik im Blickpunkt, Akt Dermatol, Thieme Verlag DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1344379, 2013
- R. Pignel, Plaies, cicatrisation et OHB, les soins de plaie, manuel de l’Association Suisse pour les soins de plaies [Wounds, healing and HBOT, wound care, manual of the Swiss Association for wound care], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
- M Pellegrini, B Yersin, Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone, traité de médecine d’urgence pré-hospitalière [Carbon monoxide poisoning, treated by pre-hospital emergency medicine], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
- M. Mattiuzzo, O. François, C. Combescure, C. Fonzo-Christe, P. Bonnabry, R. Pignel, Utilisation d’un aérosol doseur de salbutamol en chambre hyperbare [Use of a salbutamol inhaler in hyperbaric chamber], Poster, Annual Joint Assembly (SSP [Swiss Society for Pulmonology], SSPP [Swiss Society for Pediatric Pulmonology], SSCT [Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery], SUHMS [Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society]), Crans-Montana 2012
- M Pellegrini, P Avrillon, Le MEOPA pour les douleurs procédurales, les soins de plaie, manuel de l’Association Suisse pour les soins de plaies [Nitrous oxide for procedural pain, wound care, manual of the Swiss Association for wound care], Edition Médecine et Hygiène, 2012
- R. Pignel, P. Avrillon, M. Parceiro, Création d’un système de ventilation de secours adapté au caisson hyperbare [Creation of an emergency ventilation system adapted to the hyperbaric chamber], Poster, 5th HUG Innovation Day, 2011
- J-L Frossard, P Braude, J-Y Berney, Computed tomography colonography imaging of pneumatosis intestinalis after hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a case report, Journal of Medical Case Reports 2011, 5:375
- E Schaub, M Pellegrini, D Pugin, Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone [Carbon monoxide poisoning]. Rev Med Suisse, 2009; vol 213: p1606-1609.
- D Pugin JY Berney, Plongée sous marine et médecine hyperbare [Scuba diving and hyperbaric medicine]. Rev Med Suisse 2009; vol 213: p1610-1614.
- Y Green, JY Berney, Indications électives de l’oxygénothérapie hyperbare [Elective indications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy]. Rev Med Suisse 2009; vol 213: p1615-1618.
Current projects
- D. Levigne, R. Pignel, A. Modaressi, B. Pittet, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and NOX projects
- J. Schmutz (Bâle hyperbaric center), R. Pignel (HUG hyperbaric center), Dossier Tarmed, indication de l’OHB dans le traitement de la surdité brusque idiopathique [TARMED File, indication of HBOT in the treatment of idiopathic sudden deafness]
- MA Magnan, F Champly, R. Pignel, “SOS Gelures” [SOS Frostbite], Projet InterReg France-Suisse, Evaluation de l’OHB dans la prise en charge des Gelures [Interreg France-Switzerland Project, Evaluation of HBOT in the treatment of Frostbite]
- R. Pignel, J. Lelievre, M Decroux, désaturation rapide en cas d’urgence vitale [rapid desaturation in case of life-threatening emergency].
On accordance with our multidisciplinary nature, these works are being carried out in cooperation with our colleagues from different divisions at the HUG and in France (Hôpitaux du Mont-Blanc)