Request sheets

All documents are available in pdf format, to allow manual recording of information.
The sample must be clearly identified with the patient’s name and date of birth.

The law on the analysis of human genetics (LAGH) has been in force since April 1, 2007. The implication of this law is that doctors obtain informed consent from patients for all types of genetic analysis. Thank you for consistently using the Swiss Society of Genetic Medicine form. No analysis in this sector could take place in our laboratories without it.

CIT - Chemistry, Immunology, Toxicology

Emergency Clinic Chemistry Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 73 42

Blood chemistry (CHIMURG)

Immunoassay and reproductive hormones - dynamic tests (CHIMURG-ImmDyn)

Toxicology Laboratory  - tel +41 (0)22 37 27 377

Toxicology (TOXICO-externe)


IBS - Immunology, Specialized Biologies

Routine and Quality Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 27 360

Routine and Quality (RQUAL)

Routine and Quality (RQUAL -RisqueT21)

Endocrinology-Lipids Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 29 303

Lipids (LIPIDES-Std)

Immunology and Clinical Allergology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 29 373

Immunology and Clinical Allergology (LIAC-Std)
Specific IgGs (LIAC-Pneuma)
Specific IgEs (LIAC-specific IgEs)

Dermatology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 29 444

Dermatology (DERMAT-Std)

Dermatology (DERMAT-SSYP-AIC)

Biological Fluids Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 27 331

Biological Fluids (LIQBIO-Std)

Biological Fluids (LIQBIO-Gastro)


HHIHT - Hematology-Hemostasis, Transfusional Immuno-Hematology and Pediatrics

Hematology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 37 27 271

Hematology Consultation (HEMATO-Consult)
Hematology (HEMATO-Std)
Marrow (HEMATO-Moelle)
Specialized Hematology Coloration (HEMATO-Colo)

Hematology Laboratory - Pediatric Branch -  tel +41 (0)22 372 45 42

Hematology-Pediatric Branch (HEMATO-PED-Moelle)

Hematology-Pediatric Branch (HEMATO-PED-Std)

Hemostasis Laboratory -  tel +41 (0)22 372 97 50

Hemostasis (HEMOS-Std)

Antiplatelet Antibody Hemostasis (HEMOS-antiPLQ)

Transfusional Immuno-Hematology Laboratory -  tél +41 (0)22 372 72 78

Transfusional Immuno-Hematology (LIHT-externe)


ITHO - Oncogenomic and Hemato Transplantation Immunology

Specialized Hematology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 39 47

Specialized Hematology (HEMASPE-Std)
Hemoglobinopathies (HEMASPE-Génétique)

Immunology Transplant Unit and National Reference Laboratory for Histocompatibility (UIT-LNRH) - tel +41 (0)22 372 94 06




MI - Microbiology

Bacteriology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 73 10

Bacteriology (BACTERI-externe)
National Center for Meningococcus (BACTERI-Meningo-F)

National Center for Meningococcus ((BACTERI-Meningo-D)

Parasitology Laboratory -  tel +41 (0)22 372 95 60

Parasitology (PARASITO-Std)

Using SAF (SPF?) flasks for stool analysis for parasites

Sang occulte for patients - French version

Fecal occult blood test for patients- English version

Sangre oculta for patients - Spanish version

Parasites in stools - Information for patients French/English/Spanish

Analysis of stools for pinworms (Graham’s Scotch-test) - Information for nurses

Vaccinology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 18 63

Vaccinology (VACCINO-Std)

Virology Laboratory
VIRO  - tel 022 37 24 982

Virology Analyses (VIRO-Analyses)
Analyzen (VIRO-Analysen)
National Center for Emerging Viral Infections (VIRO-CRIVE)

Nationales Referenzzentrum für neuauftretende Virusinfektionen (VIRO-CRIVE)
Genotypic resistance of HIV-1 to antiretrovirals (VIRO-Résistance HIV)
Genetischen Nachweis von HIV Resistenzen gegenüber antiviralen Medikamenten (VIRO-HIV Resistenzen)
Genotypic testing for HIV-1 drug resistance (VIRO-HIV Resistance)
Genotypic resistance of Hepatitis C to antivirals (VIRO-Résistance HCV)

Genotypic resistance for HCV antiviral therapy (VIRO-HCV Resistance)

Performing a nasopharyngeal smear

Nasenabstrich für den Nachweis



SMG - Genetic Medicine Division

Cytogenetic Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 18 14

Cytogenetic (CYTOGEN)

Hematologic Cytogenetic Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 39 45

Hematologic Cytogenetic (CYTOHEM)

Molecular Diagnosis Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 18 26

Molecular Diagnosis (DIAGMOL-Std)


SPC - Clinical Pathology Division


Identification of the deceased
Identification of the fetal dead body or perinatal death

Fœtus<22 sem

Fœtus<22 sem

Molecular Pathology Laboratory

Molecular Pathology

Flow Cytometry Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 85 60 

Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry

Cytopathology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 85 78

Gynecologic Cytology
Non-Gynecologic Cytology  

Histology Laboratory- tel +41 (0)22 372 49 34


Histological examination of dermatopathology

Procedure for gynecological samples
General recommendations for gynecological samples
Recommendations for requests for examination of gynecological samples

Electron Microscopy Laboratory - tel +41 (0) 22 372 49 34

Electron microscopy examination

Hematologic Malignancies Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 372 39 32

Hematologic Malignancies (HEMOPATH-Std)

Molecular Oncology Laboratory - tel +41 (0)22 379 58 14

Molecular Oncology (ONCOMOL-Std)

Toxicogenetics and Clinical Molecular Chemistry Laboratory  - tel +41 (0)22 372 73 28

Toxicogenetics and Clinical Molecular Chemistry (TOXIMOL-Std)



More information

Last update : 27/11/2024