Fighting bedsores

When a patient is bedridden or immobilized, they run the risk of developing an ulcer, which can be aggravated by their illness. In 2016, one in two patients hospitalized at HUG was at risk of developing one.

Geneva University Hospitals have therefore implemented a program called « Zoom Escarres » (Spotlight on Bedsores). It provides systematic detection of patients at risk, appropriate preventive measures and a treatment protocol. Prevention involves several measures:

  • the use of special equipment (e.g. dynamic air mattresses, armchairs with cushions)
  • mobilizing the patient
  • a suitable diet
  • training of caregivers
  • information to the patient and their family.

All healthcare staff are strengthening their knowledge of risk detection and bedsore prevention through e-learning training.

The implementation of this program, initiated by the wound and healing center, has reduced the rate of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers from 8% in 2014 to 6.4% in 2017. These preventive actions can be further reinforced to reduce the prevalence rate in coming years, despite an increase in the number of patients at risk.

In 2017, this initiative won first prize at the clinical healthcare awards organized by B. Braun Médical SA.

The pressure ulcer rate dropped from 8% to 6.4% in three years

Last update : 11/07/2024