HUG at a glance

ServiceThe HUG: cutting-edge treatment, teaching and research

Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), a leading national and international academic institution, brings together eight public hospitals and two clinics. With its 11,560 employees, the hospitals welcome 60,000 hospitalized patients each year and handle 112,000 emergencies, 1 million outpatient consultations and 27,000 surgeries.

Their mission is to meet all the healthcare needs of a community of some 500,000 people, as well as patients from other Swiss and bordering regions. In collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Higher Education institutions (Hautes Ecoles), each year the HUG welcomes hundreds of doctors and healthcare professionals in training. More than 900 doctors, 2,200 interns and 200 apprentices are currently training at the HUG. Finally, in close partnership with the Faculty of Medicine, the HUG actively contributes to medical progress through highlevel research addressing both the medical and nursing disciplines.

The hospitals cover all medical specialties across their 70-plus medical departments, led by teachers and researchers. This impressive combination of skills guarantees patients an extraordinary level of access to expertise. The volume of activity associated with a major hospital complex brings the promise of quality and safety.

The HUG is Switzerland's leading center for childhood liver disease and pediatric liver transplantation, as well as for influenza and emerging viral infections. It is a WHO collaborating center in several fields. During major disasters, the hospitals carry out humanitarian missions alongside the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the ICRC and Doctors Without Borders.

Last update : 09/07/2024