
Bd de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Médecin-cheffe de service


How do I care for my perineum?

Whether your perineum is stitched or not, it requires hygiene care. It is important to:

  • Rinse (with mild soap or Kamillosan) every time you urinate
  • Dry thoroughly
  • Regularly change sanitary towels

The stitches heal and the threads are spontaneously resorbed within about ten days.

Perineum care:
Perineal rehabilitation (strength training for the perineum) is important, and can be started within the first two months after childbirth.

A "meeting space" with the midwife and physiotherapist twice a week in the Postpartum Division where the topic is discussed. If problems related to the perineum (involuntary discharge of urine, feces, gas) appear in the medium term, a "Perineology Consultation” will occur at the Maternity.






Last update : 09/02/2022