
Chemin du Petit-Bel-Air 2
1225 Chêne-Bourg

Professeur Giannakopoulos-Panteleimon
Panteleimon Giannakopoulos
Head of Division


Formation - service des mesures institutionnelles

Formation médicale

As a correctional psychiatry division, the SMI ensures two years of postgraduate training for residents in psychiatric and psychotherapy training. In addition to the structured training offered by the Department of Psychiatry, all physicians-in-training have access to a supplemental training program including conferences with stakeholders outside of the forensic field, psychopathology seminars and video interviews focused on the sub-specialty of forensic psychiatry (program).

The direction of care is inspired by the psychodynamic model, but integrates different modern therapeutic trends in psychiatry (systemic, cognitive-behavioral) based on a personalized approach. Ethical aspects of care in detention and evaluation of dangerousness using actuarial scales have a special place in the medical training offered by the SMI

Formation soignante

Plusieurs enseignements et formations sont intégrés au parcours professionnel du personnel soignant afin qu’il puisse acquérir des connaissances et des compétences spécifiques en psychiatrie forensique.

Last update : 02/01/2019