20/20 Vision redefines the missions, values and vision of Geneva University Hospitals
The future of care and our hospitals raise countless questions:
What can we expect from our hospitals in the future?
Is technology set to take over in healthcare? What will the job of a doctor or nurse be like in five years' time? Should we increase bed capacity or develop outpatient consultations instead?
In addition to these questions, there are also many unknowns, relating (for example) to the development of public finances, framework conditions, and the health insurance system. Not to mention the consequences of an ageing population, its growth and increased mobility.
These many questions all come into play when preparing the strategic plan of an academic institution like Geneva University Hospitals. Since they relate to all the institutions' activities, and because our professionals are the best placed to address the changes to their occupations, Geneva University Hospitals have decided to launch a vast internal consultation and a participatory review to analyse the key elements of healthcare professions both today and in the future.
Over 500 employees involved
In contrast to the conventional business plans of most companies, the 20/20 Vision strategic plan is based on the thoughts and ideas of its employees. In fact, over 500 of them, across eight sites, have contributed their ideas, suggestions and comments on the basis of their practice and observations. 280 people then responded to questionnaires aimed at clarifying these contributions, and a hundred executives from a wide variety of departments provided further details on strategic plans during group sessions. One group looked into good practices at other hospitals, and particularly Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, which has become a benchmark for management and innovation. Finally, all employees were given the chance to express their views through an intranet forum.
To coordinate all this, a multidisciplinary steering group led the analysis and summarised the results in the document you have in front of you.