Taking CPSS to the next level – 2nd meeting of experts

July 1-2, 2022
Onsite & online congress
Centre Medical Universitaire (CMU), Geneva

Child liver


Your speciality
I will attend
Will you attend the dinner on Friday July 1st at Café Papon (CHF 100.- per person) ?

We request your advance payment of CHF 100.- before June 20, 2022. Payment information will be sent by email. On site payment will not be possible.


A few challenging clinical cases will be selected for presentation. The abstracts should be submitted by email to cristina.spanimarguet@hcuge.ch no later than April 15, 2022.

Maximum length: 250 words (title, author names and affiliation excluded)


If you are eligible for reimbursement (hotels/travel), please send your banking details to: cristina.spanimarguet@hcuge.ch and kindly include IBAN, name & address of bank


Original receipts are mandatory for reimbursement and will be collected on the morning of Saturday July 2.

All participants should make their own travel and housing reservations – see housing options in the program.


Cristina Späni Marguet, cristina.spanimarguet@hcuge.ch