Sustainability office


Sophie Meisser
Sophie Meisser
Head of the Sustainability office

Key figures


Sustainability indicators

The 2023 Sustainability Report is based on a series of indicators that cover economic, social and environmental data that are available for the years 2022 to 2023. 

Some figures

Picto eau+1% consumed between 2022 and 2023

picto photovoltaique3,648 m2 of solar panels

picto femmes68,4% of staff are women

picto achats durables79% of suppliers based in Switzerland

Sustainability indicators

Carbon footprint

In 2009 the HUG was the first hospital in Europe to carry out an eco-assesment, which made it possible to itemize the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

The HUG annually establish a carbon balance sheet which quantifies the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the institution and identifies the most significant emission sources. This analysis of the carbon footprint is based on the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting methodology, which is a standardized framework worldwide for accounting and communicating emissions from the operations of private or public sectors

In 2023, the GHG emissions of the HUG were equivalent to 109'003 tonnes of CO2. They can be broken down as follows:

Total CO2 emission in 2023


Last update : 19/04/2024