Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts



  • Surgery Department
    The Division of Digestive Surgery
    Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
    1205 Geneva - Suisse

    Monday to Friday from 9:30 am -11:30 am and from 14:00 pm - 16:00 pm

    Find us

Christian Toso
Christian Toso
Head of Division

The liver produces 800-1000ml bile per day. Bile flows through the intra-hepatic bile ducts of the liver, and then into the extra-hepatic bile ducts, which join to form the main bile duct. The bile is then either stored in the gallbladder , or flows in the common bile duct which leads to the duodenum via the ampulla of Vater.

Bile mainly contains water, bile salts, cholesterol and bilirubin. It contributes to the digestion of fats, the absorption of various compounds and the excretion of metabolic waste.

which helps in the digestion of fats, the absorption of various compounds and the detoxification of ammonium
Bile reservoir attached to the liver
The initial segment of the small intestine
Last update : 09/11/2023