DIAfit program


Secrétariat de diabétologie, HUG
Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève

François Jornayvaz
François Jornayvaz
Program Manager

Who is it for?

DIAfit is an exercise training program open to everyone who has had type 2 diabetes for more than six months. An individual with diabetes is at high risk of developing complications (infarctions, kidney and eye diseases, etc.).


Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk and wellbeing. It is a pillar of treatment of type 2 diabetes. Specialized and personalized supervision gives everyone the opportunity to safely practice an effective activity.

What are the objectives?

Supervised by a specialized multidisciplinary team, this program was implemented so you can do group exercise and develop your knowledge about diabetes. We invite you to:

  • learn or relearn how to perform physical activities suitable to your abilities and desires
  • acquire the skills necessary to better control your blood sugar
  • improve management of your cardiovascular risks, through the development of techniques or advice to lose weight, lower your blood pressure, manage your stress, quit smoking
  • gain confidence and develop skills for a long-term project
  • have a time for listening and sharing
  • meet other people who, like you, have diabetes.

What are the services?

The DIAfit program combines activities and specific education over a twelve-week period. First, the physician managing the DIAfit program verifies that you can perform this exercise without risk.

Group activities

  • Various sessions of physical activities such as nordic walking, aquagym or gym exercise, at the rate of one hour, three times a week.
  • A therapeutic education session one hour per week.

Individual supervision

  • Three personalized interviews with a physician and recommendations from the physiotherapist.

Throughout the program, you and the managing physician create an individual plan of education, care, and physical activities based on your needs, and expectations.Adjustments to your treatments are carried out through your physician or your treating diabetes specialist.

Regular monitoring

The program provides for an initial individual interview with check-up, physiotherapy assessment, and additional exams (blood tests, stress test), as well as a final assessment.Throughout the program, your monitoring is ensured by a multidisciplinary team comprised of physicians, physiotherapists, nurses, and dietitians in collaboration with your treating physician or diabetes specialist.


Download the DIAfit brochure (FR)

More information

DIAFIT program (FR)


Last update : 17/06/2024