
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle Physical activity reduces the risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Furthermore, exercise helps control body weight, decreases blood pressure, increases good cholesterol and decreases triglycerides. It strengthens muscles and helps with digestion.

Physical activity is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. It increases self-esteem, decreases anxiety and helps with the quality of sleep.

When in good health, it is recommended to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day. It is not necessary for these to be consecutive minutes. One should accumulate 150 minutes of physical activity a week. It is the sum of small daily activities that make you an active person.

First, devote time during the day for exercise. Then find an activity that interests you. The most important thing is for you to enjoy the activity. You can also join a gym, whether it is specialized in cardiac rehabilitation or not.

Here are a few tricks to stay active:

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator;
  • Go outside with your children;
  • Walk the dog;
  • Do some gardening;
  • Do your grocery shopping on foot, walk to your workplace, get off a bus/tram one stop before your destination...
  • Go for bicycle rides, swim, play golf without the golf cart, do cross-country skiing, dance;
  • Join a walking club.

After a cardiac event, there are several rules to follow when resuming physical activity. Take part in a cardiac rehabilitation program. Get advice from your physician/cardiologist.


Download the practical health advice pamphlet I want to be more physically active

Last update : 29/01/2019