International symposium dedicated to children

International symposium dedicated to children
Evénement professionnel

This year, the International symposium dedicated to children will be held in Geneva and is organized by the Unit of anaesthesiology of the Department of acute medicine.

Theme : 
A lifetime’s career committed to improving children’s care through translational and clinical research : Where we were, where we are now and dreams for the future

The scientific program comprises a clinical part, with topics covering the major psychological and physiological challenges in paediatric anaesthesia, from prematurity to adolescence; while the second part highlights the translational research that benefited children in clinical practice.

Discover the scientific program

When ?

Saturday, September 23rd 2023

Where ?

Campus Biotech, 
Chemin des Mines 9,
1202 Geneva



Sophie Abou, secretariat, or , +41 (0)22 372 74 12 

Last update : 08/01/2025