
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Pr. Isabella Eckerle
Isabella Eckerle
Physician in charge of the Centre
Laurent Kaiser
Head of division
Pauline Vetter
Pauline Vetter
Médecin adjointe, Directrice adjointe du Centre des maladies virales émergentes

Mission of the Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases

Mission du Centre des maladies virales et émergentes

The Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases is a joint institution of the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and brings together a unique expertise in the field of emerging viral diseases. 

The founding element of the centre was the creation in 2005 of a high biosafetylevel laboratory specialised in the diagnosis of emerging or rare viral diseases, the Reference Centre for Emerging Viral Infections (CIVE), which was mandated by the Federal Office of Public Health and supervised by Professor Laurent Kaiser. Since then, with the increase of national and international projects, and the involvement of various actors, ranging from clinical experts to researchers in basic science, have developmed a large network of specialists in this field. Finally, following the Ebola virus outbreak in 2015, where several members of the laboratory and the infectious diseases department were deployed on the ground in West Africa, the decision was taken to consolidate the expertise acquired over the years by creating a centre for emerging viral diseases. Recently challenged on its own territory, the Centre for Emerging viral diseases was key in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic and mpox epidemic. 

The centre has a dedicated research group, led by Prof. Isabella Eckerle, and brings together different departments and laboratories within the HUG as well as other groups at the University of Geneva with a reyearch focus in basic virology, vaccinology and immunology. In order to maintain a global and equitable approach in our research and clinical expertise, the centre places particular emphasis on cooperation with non-governmental organisations and international institutions working in resource-limited settings.  As a result, since December 2022, the Centre of Emerging Viral Diseases has officially become a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organisation for Epidemic and Pandemic  Diseases.  

The centre also responds to requests from the Federal Office of Public Health, which include the surveillance of emerging viruses and the provision of an advanced diagnostic platform. Thanks to the infrastructure and clinical expertise made available by the Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases, the HUG are among the few Swiss hospitals authorised to treat patients suffering from highly pathogenic viruses. However, the centre does not restrict itself exclusively to the management of exotic or new viruses. It also targets complex viral syndromes such as chronic viral infections or infections in patients with immunodeficiencies. 

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Last update : 24/05/2024

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