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Making breastfeeding easier

For fifteen years, the HUG Maternity hospital has held the label of Baby Friendly Hospital, awarded by UNICEF and the WHO. This label has allowed some 50,000 babies to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding.

Renewed in 2015, this distinction responds to strong requirements, which have led our team of midwives to implement a new approach that encourages an early connection between mother and newborn: rooming-in. In some cases (prematurity or birth complications), the mother and baby are separated temporarily for health reasons. The aim is therefore to enable the baby to remain close to its mother when hospitalised in continuing care. This proximity promotes maternal lactation and promotes the subsequent breastfeeding.

This is especially important in a Maternity hospital that is the regional reference for the management of high risk pregnancies.

For more info, see the Obstetrics department website.


babies born in 2015

With 13 more births than in 2014, the HUG Maternity hospital remains the no. 1 in Switzerland. Among the 4142 newborns, there were two triplet births and 89 sets of twins.

Last update : 11/07/2024