HUG Ukraine Task Force

In Geneva, as in the rest of Switzerland and the world, initiatives are increasing to bring help to the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. To respond to the show of solidarity demonstrated in the University Hospitals in Geneva and also by our partners, the HUG have put in place a HUG Ukraine Task Force to organise and coordinate the different actions and initiatives. The aim is also to link up with cantonal, federal and international authorities when resources are needed to address the crisis on the ground but it is also a case of welcoming Ukrainian refugees into Switzerland and more particularly to Geneva.

In this context, the HUG reaffirm their commitment to the rules of international law. Access to health care, security of medical personnel and healthcare facilities, the protection of the sick and wounded are fundamental, irrespective of the side they are on. The HUG remain at the service of the health of the whole Genevan population without distinction of race, nationality or gender.

Close coordination and collaboration is established with our partners, such as the Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross) (CICR), Médecins sans frontières (MSF), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Hospice général.

Canton of Geneva

In the context of the Ukraine Solidarity plan (FR), the canton of Geneva has established a green line which gives information and receives offers of assistance or donations. Intended for the Genevan population, it is also there to give help to refugees who have arrived in the territory. The HUG contribute to this hotline by giving health information via the migrant health programme.

  • Green line Ukraine Solidarity: 0800 900 995, open 7 days a week from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • Website : (FR)

Swiss Confederation

Deployment in the field of men and women colleagues

The HUG have partnership agreements with the Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC), the Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) or Médecins sans frontières (MSF).

These international institutions and organisations are part of the HUG Ukraine Task Force for their requirements in human resources on the ground, either in the field of conflict or in the neighbouring zones and countries.

The HUG have available a pool composed of medical, paramedical (nurses, midwives etc.), administrative or technical personnel for emergency care.

Other colleagues, both men and women, have also taken part in the HUG Ukraine Task Force in their wish to make a commitment via other international organisations.


In the context of the Ukraine Solidarity plan (FR), the canton shares on its internet site several ways of making donations (equipment, food or financial) :

The private Foundation of the HUG also collects donations, which will be shared between the HUG projects associated with the Ukrainian crisis (projects presently being assessed).

You may send your donations to the Foundation (FR).

You may also give donations to international organisations which are active in Ukraine according to choice, such as :

Support for the refugees at HUG

From 14th March 2022, the refugees are eligible for an S Permit, valid for a year and renewable. This permit gives access to health insurance (Swiss Risk Care system in the canton). The Hospice général is in charge of reception and social assistance.

Ambulatory support

  • Migrants’ paediatric health consultation (FR) : the consultation provides the evaluation, catch-up vaccinations if necessary and the monitoring of children from Geneva who are migrants or in a very precarious situation, from 0 to 17 years. Contact: +41 (0)22 372 40 01, or +41 (0)79 553 42 52 for people who do not speak French.
  • MEME system (FR) : mental health of children-adolescents and adolescent Migrants and Ethnopsychoanalysis. The child refugees who have arrived alone in Geneva (minor or unaccompanied minor) or with their family may be supported by the transcultural MEME child psychiatry consultation team. It is responsive to the children and their families regarding the respect of their cultural values. Contact: 022 372 50 67 - 
  • The interdisciplinary unit of medicine and prevention of violence (FR) : offers treatment to everyone (victim, author or witness), from 16 years, who has witnessed a violent situation, whether present or past, whatever the nature of the violence (psychological, physical, sexual and/or economic) and the context of the occurrence (couple, family, street, place of work...). Contact: 41 22 372 96 41 or
  • Transcultural Psychiatry Unit
    The unit provides psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care for adult refugees. The multidisciplinary team receives refugees at the request of their general practitioner or the psychiatric emergency department.
    Doctor in charge: Dr Natacha Premand Parisien.
    Contact: secretariat of the Centre ambulatoire de psychiatrie et psychothérapie intégrées Servette, 022 372 3300


The person may be accompanied by a relative who helps him and translates for him.

In the case of a language barrier and if the person is unaccompanied, the HUG have interpreters available to ensure uninterrupted communication and mutual understanding during the consultations. The interpreter serves, then, as a bridge between the patient and the medical personnel. The interpreter is obliged to observe professional secrecy.

Care for staff of international institutions and organisations

Psychotraumatology consultation for anxiety disorders 

This consultation, provided by a team of psychiatrists and psychologists, is part of the SPLIC's Anxiety Disorders Programme, and offers any patient over 18 years of age suffering from trauma-related disorders (post-traumatic stress disorder and/or dissociative disorders), specialised psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care focused on trauma, in the form of individual consultations and/or therapeutic groups.

A request must be sent by a doctor or psychologist who follows the patient via the following form by email: or by fax: +41 22 (0)22 372 48 70.

Last update : 27/05/2024