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HUG ends its 2016 financial year with a positive net profit of 3.3 million Swiss francs, after taking into account the share to be returned to the State, which represents 0.2% of the total turnover.

statement of account on 31 december


tableau - compte de fonctionnement Produits

tableau - compte de fonctionnement Charges


New service contractfinancement

The service contract between HUG and the State of Geneva was adopted by the Council of State (FR) and submitted to the Grand Council (FR) for the 2016-2019 period. This contract determines the financial resources engaged by the State along with the service provisions expected from HUG.

Provided by the State, the monetary allowance is made up of three budgets: the largest is for operations, another for research and teaching, and the third for activities in the public interest. In 2016, the State provided 831.0 million Swiss francs for operations and 26.4 for investment.





comptabilité analytiqueCost accounting

Survey of working hours

In late 2015, HUG obtained the REKOLE® quality label for its management accounting. Between certifications, HUG must provide the survey with a distribution of working hours between the four main activities deployed at the hospital :

  • clinical activity and continuous training
  • pre-degree training
  • post-degree training
  • research.

A survey was conducted from 1 September to 31 October 2016. It highlighted the activity rates attributed to outpatient care and hospitalisation.


Change in revenuegraphique - évolution des recettes

In 2016, the total revenue saw a 4% increase, of which

  • 1.9% was linked to exceptional income
  • 2.1% compared with the 2015 financial year.

Taking into consideration activity-related changes, the medical revenue saw

  • a 3.3% drop for hospital services after a year (2015) that included exceptional billing, and
  • a 9.9% rise in outpatient care.

This change reflects the high level of activity over the past financial year, the pertinence of the measures taken by HUG in terms of rationalising the use of intake capacities, optimising the smoothness of the patient process and improving the comprehensiveness of billing.

Between 2012 and 2016, HUG’s medical revenue (+25.1%) increased more rapidly than personnel costs (+10.8%). Over the same period, the operating allowance provided by the State has remained stable (+0.4%).


54 % of revenue

is medical revenue or other revenue


TariffsTarifs  Hausse du point Swissdrg

Rise ine the SwissDRG point

2016 was marked by an increase in the tariffs negotiated, a first since the introduction of SwissDRG in 2012. Thanks to the combined action of representatives from the five Swiss university hospitals and State councilors from Geneva and Vaud, agreements were concluded with a DRG tariff of 10,650 Swiss francs, i.e. an increase of 250 Swiss francs compared to 2015.




BillingHausse du cost-weight moyen

Rise in average cost weight

For hospital stays in 2016, the average cost weight** billed was 1.21 points, compared to 1.17 in 2015. This good performance reflects the increased weight of the cases treated; it also demonstrates the improvement in the quality and comprehensiveness of the documentation and coding.

This rise allowed HUG to optimize its revenue.



* With the SwissDRGs, a number of points is allocated to each hospitalisation, for example a knee replacement or vaginal delivery. The point value is negotiated with insurers. The amount of the bill corresponds to the number of points multiplied by the point value.
**Each APDRG classification corresponds to a cost weight. The average cost weight is calculated based on all of the hospital admissions. All of the cost weights produced by the hospital are added together and this sum is divided by the number of cases treated.


Change in expenditure graphique - Evolution des dépences

In 2016, personnel costs increased by 4.9%. This rise compared to 2015 is primarily explained by an increase in the workforce, in line with the growth in activity and the integration of the Joli-Mont and Montana Clinics, and national insurance charges, with an exceptional rise in the PLEND provision for early retirement.

Medical operating expenses marked a 2.1% rise in line with sustained activity. However, these additional costs are covered by revenue from billing drugs and medical supplies.

If we compare the share of personnel costs to total expenses, we note a slight increase from 75.5% in 2014 to 76.9% in 2016. However, drugs and medical supply expenses remained remarkably stable, around 10.6% in 2014 and 10.5% in 2016


Personal costs resprensents

3/4 of HUG's expenses

Last update : 02/07/2024