Practical Information


Avenue Beau Séjour, 22
1206 Genève

Arnaud Perrier
Noelle Junod Perron
Photo de la Pre Noëlle Junod Perron
Noelle Junod Perron




  • Congresses and conferences:
    • AMEE, International Association of Medical Education, August 26-30, 2017
    • SIFEM, Société internationale francophone d'éducation médicale [International French-speaking Society for Medical Education], October 4-6, 2017:
    • FIFPSS, Forum international francophone de pédagogie et sciences de la santé [International French-speaking Forum on Pedagogy and Health Sciences], May 25-27, 2016:
    • SMIGG, Société suisse de médecine interne générale [Swiss Society for General Internal Medicine], May 3-5, 2017




  • December 2015 – HUG Quality Day

Poster: “Devenir chef de clinique, et après ? Formation des formateurs : supervision et feedback en milieu clinique” [Becoming senior resident, and then? Training for trainers: supervision and feedback in a clinical environment]

Faculty of Medicine

  • December 2015 – UDREM research symposiums

Oral presentation: “Devenir chef de clinique, et après ? Formation des formateurs : supervision et feedback en milieu clinique” [Becoming senior resident, and then? Training for trainers: supervision and feedback in a clinical environment]

  • May 2017 – UDREM research symposium

Oral presentation: “Devenir chef de clinique, et après ? Formation des formateurs : supervision et feedback en milieu clinique” [Becoming senior resident, and then? Training for trainers: supervision and feedback in a clinical environment], interim results presented 


  • September 2015 – ISFM MedEd symposium

Workshop: Presentation of pedagogical training activities “Diagnostic pédagogique pour les internes/assistants en difficulté de raisonnement clinique” [Pedagogical diagnosis for residents/associates struggling with clinical reasoning]

  • May 2017 – congrès Suisse de médecine interne générale [Swiss Congress on General Internal Medicine], Lausanne

Poster: Students’ involvement in faculty development programs contributes to the development of their professional identity.  

Oral presentation: Faculty development program for clinical supervision: comparison of two training formats.


  • May 2016 - 7e Forum international francophone de pédagogie des sciences de la santé [7th International French-speaking Forum on Health Sciences Pedagogy], Montreal

Oral presentation: “Devenir superviseur clinique : le coaching personnalisé favorise‐t‐il l’apprentissage?” [Becoming a clinical supervisor: does personalized coaching promote learning?]. Interim results of an interventional study 

  • August 2016: Congress of the European Association of Medical Education (AMEE)

Oral presentation “Participation in faculty development programs and student’s development of professional identity” 

  • August 2017: poster accepted at the Congress of the European Association of Medical Education (AMEE) – Helsinki.

Poster: Faculty development program for clinical supervision: comparison of two training formats

  • October 2017: Société internationale francophone d'éducation médicale [International French-speaking Society for Medical Education]

Oral presentation: Faculty development program for clinical supervision: comparison of two training formats

Poster: Students’ involvement in university development programs contributes to the development of their professional identity


Last update : 02/07/2024