Christophe Gaudet-Blavignac


Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Extra-hospitalier - Bd de la Tour 8 - 2ème étage
1205 Genève

Christian Lovis
Christian Lovis
Médecin-chef de service


Christophe Gaudet-BlavignacPhysician, PhD student in global health
Working group: Medical semantics and linguistic analysis
Phone: +41 (0)22 37 26 205


Curriculum vitae

After obtaining the Federal Diploma of Human Medicine in Geneva, Christophe completed an additional Bachelor in Computer Science at EPFL. He is focused on improving healthcare and research using new technologies.

Research domains

  • Clinical Data Processing
  • Big Data and Databases
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Visualization
  • Semantic Web


  • MICMAC: Development of a multiontological categorizer for medical coding
  • HEDANET: Health data network for clinical research

Publications (selection)

  • Gaudet-Blavignac, C., & Geissbuhler, A. (2011). Serious games in health care: a survey. Yearbook of medical informatics, 7(1), 30-33.
  • Schmitter, D., Gaudet-Blavignac, C., Piccini, D., & Unser, M. (2015). New parametric 3D snake for medical segmentation of structures with cylindrical topology. In Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (p. 276-280).
  • Vishnyakova, D., Gaudet-Blavignac, C., Baumann, P., & Lovis, C. (2015). Clinical Data Models at University Hospitals of Geneva. Studies in health technology and informatics, 221, p. 97-101.
Last update : 02/07/2024