Genetic, Laboratory and Pathology Medicine


Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Laura rubia
Laura Rubbia-Brandt
Head of Department

Since January 1, 2019, le Diagnostic Department regroups the divisions of  the Department of Genetic, Laboratory and Pathology Medicine with those of  the Imaging and Medical Informatics Department.


Quality objective of the DMGLP laboratories

The quality objective of the laboratories of the Department of Genetic, Laboratory and Pathology Medicine of the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) is to provide prescribers with reliable results as quickly as possible, at a reasonable cost, while complying with the ordinance on healthcare insurance services (Annex 3 of the OPAS).

In order to achieve this, the Department of Genetic, Laboratory and Pathology Medicine management decided to implement a quality management system.

It has defined, established and implemented the quality policy below.

This quality policy is aimed at all staff, from their initial training and is reassessed during the management review.

It is part of the department quality manual and concerns all department laboratories.

Laboratory Quality Policy

1. Offer an optimal service, of which the patient is the beneficiary

Improve the laboratory services in the department to make available to prescribers (physicians, medical divisions, laboratories, etc.) reliable results, for which any analytic variations are in accordance with clinical requirements.

2. Collaborate with prescribers

Provide all useful information to prescribers, regarding the appropriate choice of analyses to be performed. Communicate to them the list of analyses, the conditions for sampling and offer, if needed, any help in interpreting the results. Evaluate their satisfaction and ensure a high-performance system for processing complaints.

3. Collaborate with the HUG Commissions

Share the policies of the HUG Commissions involved in medical analysis activities. Maintain relations with other laboratories, outside of the Department of Genetic, Laboratory and Pathology Medicine, in order to create a synergy of skills and in order to be recognized as referral laboratories in the field of medical analyses.

4. Comply with the necessary obligations and authorizations

Put in place a management system based on compliance with the ISO 15189 standard and follow the legal obligations concerning, in particular, quality controls.

5. Identify the analyses

Study the relevance and the opportunity of introducing new analyses by following scientific and technical developments, while avoiding multiple analyses that are unjustified or redundant between laboratories.

6. Guarantee the suitability of the staff

Ensure that the workspace of each employee is entirely suitable in terms of the specifications in his/her possession; empower him/her; motivate him/her through continuing education, improving his/her technical and scientific knowledge.

7. Guarantee the suitability of the management system with respect to the laboratory requirements.

Maintain a simple, transparent and tailored system that makes fast and effective procedures possible, based on the corrective measures decided upon.

Ensure the follow-up, update and compliance of quality documentation that complies with reality.

Guarantee the continual improvement and efficacy of the laboratory management system.

8. Maintain the recognition of laboratory skills

Maintain the quality level required by the Swiss Accreditation Service. Renew the accreditation and update its scope.

The Quality Policy can be summed up in one phrase:

”Obtain the right result at the right time for the right patient”

Last update : 11/07/2024