Blood Transfusion Center (BTC)

Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 6
1205 Genève

Dre Sophie Waldvogel
Nurse in Charge
François Freitas
Guyon-Gellin Pierre
Infirmier responsable

Supporting blood donation

We value your commitment!

There are several ways of helping the Blood Transfusion Center (BTC) to collect blood:

At work

Are you a blood donor and would you like to raise awareness or start a blood drive at work?

To find out more, please contact:

  • François Freitas,  nurse, in charge of the blood transfusion Center
    Telephone : 079 553 4105 / E-mail : francois.freitas@hug.ch
  • Serena Baldelli, communications officer at HUG
    Telephone: +41 22 372 60 47 / E-mail : serena.baldelli@hcuge.ch 

Download the brochure Supporting blood donation: Documents for businesses (FR)  and talk about it with your managers.

Fill in your Donation Promise (FR)  and send it to Accueil.Donneurs@hcuge.ch


At school

Are you a teacher and would you like to make your students aware of blood donation? 

The BTC provides awareness-raising sessions for students in the canton of Geneva several times a year. For students aged 18 and over, a blood donation session can be arranged after the awareness-raising session.

Younger high school students

• Cycle de la Golette - occasional sessions

Older high school students

• Centre d’enseignement professionnel de Lullier: 3 days, once a year
• Ecole de culture générale Henri Dunand: occasional sessions

• Collèges de Genève (Rousseau, Calvin, Candolle, De Saussure, Voltaire, De Staël): occasional sessions in the form of Forums, awareness-raising and visits to the BTC.

Higher education

• Uni Mail: 3 days, twice a year
• HES: student nurses' project including training in awareness-raising; students are later put in charge of raising awareness in the HES institutions in Geneva.

• CMU: 3 days, twice a year

Become a volunteer

Are you convinced of the importance of blood donation? You can help with the running of local donation sessions.

Contact the BTC (FR) or join the Geneva branch of the "Samaritains" (first aid association) (FR).

More information

Prendre rendez-vous

Rendez-vous Don du sang

Last update : 29/08/2024