The NeuroCentre Hosts the Future in All Genders Day 2023

Journée Futur en tous genres 2023 au NeuroCentre

On Thursday, November 9th, on the occasion of the "Futur en tous genres" (Future in all genders) day, approximately 140 9th-grade students were present at HUG to participate in activities organized by the Human Resources Department in collaboration with professionals from the institution. They had the opportunity to explore various professions in the fields of operations, transportation, gardening, road maintenance, healthcare, ophthalmology, and ENT.

Their journey also took them to the NeuroCentre, where teams allowed them to experience several virtual reality experiments.

It was a wonderful day of exchange for the employees of the NeuroCentre and the Virtual Medicine Center, delighted to share their passion with students and broaden their professional horizons.

Last update : 10/11/2023